California Privacy Policy


Mazda is committed to the protection of your personal information (“PI”) and we want you to understand your rights under the law. This policy does not replace our main Privacy Policy, available here, but rather provides more specific disclosures in certain areas as required by California privacy laws.


  • Identifying Information. For example, we may collect your name, unique personal identifier, online identifier, MyMazda account credentials, mailing address, email address, postal address, and telephone number, including your mobile phone number.
  • Demographics. For example, age and gender.
  • Location Information. For example, we may collect your information for security purposes in visitor logs if you visit a Mazda location.
  • Internet and other Network Activity Information. For example, if you use our website, we may collect information about the browser you are using and the pages you visited on our site. We may also look at what sites you came from, or what sites you visit when you leave us. If you use our app, we may look at how often you use the app and how you use the app.
  • Payment Information. For example, for purchases you make directly with Mazda, we may collect the credit card number and billing address you provide to us.
  • Audio and Visual Information. For example, audio recordings for calls with Mazda Customer Service or security videos at Mazda locations.
  • Inferences. For example, your preferences and household income.
  • Vehicle Information. For example, we collect the make and model of your vehicle and your vehicle identification number (VIN), which is also visible on your vehicle’s driver’s side dashboard. If you have a Connected Vehicle, at ignition off we also collect information about the vehicle such as system status as well as information such as geolocation data if you enroll in Connected Services. For more information about connected vehicles, what we collect, and our Connected Car Privacy Policy, click here.
  • Driving Data. For example, the acceleration and speed at which your Connected Vehicle is driven and use of the steering and braking functions in your Connected Vehicle (Driving Data is collected for each driving trip and transmitted at each Ignition Off). For more information about connected vehicles, what we collect, and our Connected Car Privacy Policy, click here.
  • Service Information. For example, dates and location of service.
  • Warranty and Recall History. For example, recall numbers and start date.
  • Social Media Information. We may collect the information you post on our social media pages. We may also collect your social media profile information.
  • Device Information. For example, we may collect the type of device you use to access our platforms. This may also include an identifier for your device, your IP address, or your mobile operating system.
  • Information You Provide. For example, the information you volunteer in connection with surveys, promotions, and marketing events.

Some of the information described above may constitute sensitive personal information. For example, account credentials and precise geolocation information.


We use the PI collected for the following purposes:

  • Processing transactions that you initiate
  • To provide you with services
  • To facilitate safety, warranty and recall objectives
  • To provide emergency response services
  • To market Mazda vehicles and services (we do not use Sensitive Personal Information for these purposes)
  • For legal and regulatory compliance
  • To improve our products and services
  • To support diagnosing and servicing your vehicle
  • To provide customer service


We will keep your PI for as long as we have a relationship with you. Once our relationship with you has come to an end, we may retain your PI only for the following reasons:

  • As required by law (e.g. safety recalls, tax, or regulatory reporting).
  • Records preservation in connection with existing or potential disputes or litigation.
  • Address any issues with the services that may have arisen (e.g. such as improving the quality of vehicle servicing and repair).
  • Internal research and development (e.g. how to improve our products and offerings to the public).
  • Preserve historical records of transactions, financing, and vehicle servicing (e.g. vehicle sales, loans, and dealership service records).
  • Maintain and process business records for analysis, as well as for tax and audit purposes.
  • Our internal marketing purposes which you may have chosen to receive (e.g. information about future product offerings).

We will dispose of your PI when it is no longer needed for any of the purposes described above.


We do not sell your PI to third parties for money without your express prior consent. However, CA privacy laws have a broad definition of what may constitute a "sale". We may share your PI with certain third parties (as described below) to enhance your experience of Mazda products or services and for the purposes noted below. Such disclosures may be considered "sales" under CA privacy laws.

We may share your PI with third-party advertisers for targeted advertising purposes, which may be considered a “share” under CA privacy laws.

In all situations, we do not knowingly sell or share Sensitive Personal Information or PI of children under 16 years of age. The following practices constitute "sales" or "shares" under California law:

  • Mazda authorized dealers receive the following categories of PI to market Mazda vehicles and services to you: Identifying Information, Demographics, Vehicle Information, Service Information, Warranty and Recall History, Internet and other Network Activity Information, and Information You Provide.
  • Third party advertisers receive the following categories of PI and they may use your internet-based activity information for their own marketing purposes or marketing purposes of others: Internet and other Network Activity Information.
  • Third Party Rating Services receive the following categories of PI: Identifying Information if you are a consumer of Mazda products and services and Vehicle Information so that they can develop ratings, reviews, and reports.
  • Third Party Analytics Providers receive the following categories of PI to help us learn about the use of our Services: Identifying Information, Internet and other Network Activity Information, and Vehicle Information.
  • Vehicle Entertainment Services receive the following categories of PI: Identifying Information and Vehicle Information to provide you with their services.

To opt out of the "sale" and "share" of your PI click : Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information.


We disclose all of the categories of PI that we collect (except where limitations are noted below) in the following circumstances for the purposes described below:

  • Mazda Brand Companies – We may disclose PI to our parent company and other affiliates for global vehicle and customer service improvement.
  • Service Providers – Service providers engaged by Mazda solely to perform services on behalf of Mazda, including but not limited to data storage, email services, web hosting, and services provided to you such as customer care services, promotion and event services, and surveys and contests.
  • Financial Services – We disclose Identifying Information and Vehicle Information to verify your purchase or lease of a Mazda vehicle.
  • Legal and Safety Reasons – We may disclose any of the categories of PI that we collect to reasonably comply with legal obligations or pending litigation, cooperate with lawful investigations, participate in programs run by or for government agencies, or to protect the rights, property, or safety of you, us, or others.
  • Business Transfer – We may disclose any of the categories of PI that we collect in connection with a transfer, sale, or other transaction involving a change of ownership of our business assets.
  • As Directed by You – We may disclose any of the categories of PI that we collect based on your direction.


  • Mazda Authorized Dealerships
  • Mazda Websites and Mobile Applications
  • Mazda Brand Companies
  • Mazda Events
  • Mazda Financial Services Partners
  • Third Party Data Brokers and Service Providers
  • Government Regulatory Agencies


Under the California Consumer Privacy Act ("CCPA"), California residents have the following rights related to PI :

Right to say no to the sale of your PI or disclosure of your PI for certain targeted advertising.

Right to request deletion of your PI, subject to certain PI required or permitted to be retained by law.

Right to request that we disclose to you the following information related to any PI that we have collected, used, disclosed or sold about you in the preceding 12 months:

  1.  Categories of PI,
  2.  Sources from which we collected the PI,
  3.  The business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling PI,
  4.  The categories of third parties to whom we shared such PI, and
  5.  The specific pieces of PI.

Right to equal service and price even if you exercise your privacy rights subject to certain differences permitted by law.

Right to correct inaccurate PI.

We use and disclose sensitive PI (account credentials and precise geolocation) only for the purposes authorized under CA law.


If you would like to request information on the PI we have collected about you under CA law, please click here.

To request the deletion of your PI under CA law, please click here.

To opt-out of sale and sharing to third parties as allowed under CA law, please click here: Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. You can also register a request to opt-out of certain sales and shares by broadcasting the Global Privacy Control ("GPC") signal. As we may not be able to link your browser activities with other information we collect about you (e.g. information provided to us by a Mazda authorized dealer), we encourage you to submit a Do Not Sell or Share request along with using the GPC signal.

If you are primarily interested in controlling how we collect information about you while you are using our website, please look for the Manage Cookie Preferences link on the bottom of our homepage to change your preferences.

If you believe PI we have about you is inaccurate, please click here.

You can also call Mazda Customer Service at 1 (844) 931-1678 with any of the above requests.

For requests to access, delete, and correct, we will ask for your name, email address, and phone number so that we can verify your identity. We may ask for additional information if we are unable to verify your identity.

Authorized Agents can submit requests on behalf of a California resident by submitting a request using the forms linked above or by calling Mazda Customer Service at 1 (844) 931-1678. Authorized Agents will be asked to provide their contact information and information about the California resident requestor. If Mazda has a matching record for the requestor, Mazda will obtain the requestor’s authorization to proceed before fulfilling the request.

Click here for an explanation of our privacy practices.

This California Privacy Policy was last updated on July 1, 2024.